Source code for agnpy.targets.targets

# module containing the targets for the external compton radiation
import numpy as np
from astropy.constants import c, G, M_sun, k_B, sigma_sb
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import Distance
from astropy.modeling.models import BlackBody
from ..utils.conversion import mec2
from ..utils.math import axes_reshaper

__all__ = [

# dictionary with all the available spectral lines
lines_dictionary = {
    "Lyepsilon": {
        "lambda": 937.80 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 2.7,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 0.24,
    "Lydelta": {
        "lambda": 949.74 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 2.8,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 0.24,
    "CIII": {
        "lambda": 977.02 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 0.83,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 0.60,
    "NIII": {
        "lambda": 990.69 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 0.85,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 0.60,
    "Lybeta": {
        "lambda": 1025.72 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 1.2,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 1.1,
    "OVI": {
        "lambda": 1033.83 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 1.2,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 1.1,
    "ArI": {
        "lambda": 1066.66 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 4.5,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 0.094,
    "Lyalpha": {
        "lambda": 1215.67 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 0.27,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 12,
    "OI": {
        "lambda": 1304.35 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 4.0,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 0.23,
    "SiII": {
        "lambda": 1306.82 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 4.0,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 0.23,
    "SiIV": {
        "lambda": 1396.76 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 0.83,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 1.0,
    "OIV]": {
        "lambda": 1402.06 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 0.83,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 1.0,
    "CIV": {
        "lambda": 1549.06 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 0.83,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 2.9,
    "NIV": {
        "lambda": 1718.55 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 3.8,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 0.30,
    "AlII": {
        "lambda": 1721.89 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 3.8,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 0.30,
    "CIII]": {
        "lambda": 1908.73 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 0.46,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 1.8,
    "[NeIV]": {
        "lambda": 2423.83 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 5.8,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 0.051,
    "MgII": {
        "lambda": 2798.75 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 0.45,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 1.7,
    "Hdelta": {
        "lambda": 4102.89 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 3.4,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 0.12,
    "Hgamma": {
        "lambda": 4341.68 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 3.2,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 0.30,
    "HeII": {
        "lambda": 4687.02 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 0.63,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 0.016,
    "Hbeta": {
        "lambda": 4862.68 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 1.0,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 1.0,
    "[ClIII]": {
        "lambda": 5539.43 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 4.8,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 0.039,
    "HeI": {
        "lambda": 5877.29 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 0.39,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 0.092,
    "Halpha": {
        "lambda": 6564.61 * u.Angstrom,
        "R_Hbeta_ratio": 1.3,
        "L_Hbeta_ratio": 3.6,

# array of frequencies to numerically integrate the multi-T disk black body
nu_to_integrate = np.logspace(3, 21, 100) * u.Hz

[docs]class CMB: """Cosmic Microwave Background radiation, approximated as an isotropic monochromatic target. Parameters ---------- z : float redshift at which the CMB is considered """ def __init__(self, z): = "Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation" a = 7.5657 * 1e-15 * u.Unit("erg cm-3 K-4") # radiation constant T = 2.72548 * u.K self.u_0 = (a * np.power(T, 4)).to("erg cm-3") * np.power(1 + z, 4) self.epsilon_0 = (2.7 * k_B * T / mec2).to_value("") * (1 + z)
[docs] def u(self, blob=None): """integral energy density of the CMB Parameters ---------- blob : :class:`~agnpy.emission_regions.Blob` if provided, the energy density is computed in a reference frame comvoing with the blob """ if blob: return self.u_0 * np.power(blob.Gamma, 2) * (1 + np.power(blob.Beta, 2) / 3) else: return self.u_0
[docs]class PointSourceBehindJet: """Monochromatic point source behind the jet. Parameters ---------- L_0 : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` luminosity of the source epsilon_0 : float dimensionless monochromatic energy of the source """ def __init__(self, L_0, epsilon_0): = "Monochromatic Point Source Behind the Jet" self.L_0 = L_0 self.epsilon_0 = epsilon_0
[docs] def u(self, r, blob=None): """integral energy density of the point source at distance r along the jet axis Parameters ---------- r : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` array of distances along the jet axis blob : :class:`~agnpy.emission_regions.Blob` if provided, the energy density is computed in a reference frame comvoing with the blob """ u_0 = (self.L_0 / (4 * np.pi * c * np.power(r, 2))).to("erg cm-3") if blob: return u_0 / (np.power(blob.Gamma, 2) * np.power(1 + blob.Beta, 2)) else: return u_0
[docs]class SSDisk: """[Shakura1973]_ accretion disk as modeled by [Dermer2002]_ Parameters ---------- M_BH : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` Black Hole mass L_disk : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` luminosity of the disk eta : float accretion efficiency R_in : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` / float inner disk radius R_out : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` / float outer disk radius R_g_units : bool whether or not input radiuses are specified in units of the gravitational radius """ def __init__(self, M_BH, L_disk, eta, R_in, R_out, R_g_units=False): = "Shakura Sunyaev Accretion Disk" # masses and luminosities self.M_BH = M_BH self.M_8 = (M_BH / (1e8 * M_sun)).to_value("") self.L_Edd = 1.26 * 1e46 * self.M_8 * u.Unit("erg s-1") self.L_disk = L_disk # fraction of the Eddington luminosity at which the disk is accreting self.l_Edd = (self.L_disk / self.L_Edd).to_value("") self.eta = eta self.m_dot = (self.L_disk / (self.eta * np.power(c, 2))).to("g s-1") # gravitational radius self.R_g = (G * self.M_BH / np.power(c, 2)).to("cm") if R_g_units: # check that numbers have been passed R_in_unit_check = isinstance(R_in, (int, float)) R_out_unit_check = isinstance(R_out, (int, float)) if not R_in_unit_check or not R_out_unit_check: raise TypeError("R_in / R_out passed with units, int / float expected") self.R_in = R_in * self.R_g self.R_out = R_out * self.R_g self.R_in_tilde = R_in self.R_out_tilde = R_out else: # check that quantities have been passed R_in_unit_check = isinstance(R_in, u.Quantity) R_out_unit_check = isinstance(R_out, u.Quantity) if R_in_unit_check and R_out_unit_check: self.R_in = R_in self.R_out = R_out self.R_in_tilde = (self.R_in / self.R_g).to_value("") self.R_out_tilde = (self.R_out / self.R_g).to_value("") else: raise TypeError("R_in / R_out passed without units") # array of R_tile values self.R_tilde = np.linspace(self.R_in_tilde, self.R_out_tilde) def __str__(self): return ( f"* Shakura Sunyaev accretion disk:\n" + f" - M_BH (central black hole mass): {self.M_BH.cgs:.2e}\n" + f" - L_disk (disk luminosity): {self.L_disk.cgs:.2e}\n" + f" - eta (accretion efficiency): {self.eta:.2e}\n" + f" - dot(m) (mass accretion rate): {self.m_dot.cgs:.2e}\n" + f" - R_in (disk inner radius): {self.R_in.cgs:.2e}\n" + f" - R_out (disk inner radius): {self.R_out.cgs:.2e}" ) # staticmethods to be used in SED calculations without using a class instance
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate_mu_from_r_tilde(R_in_tilde, R_out_tilde, r_tilde, size=100): r"""array of cosine angles, spanning from :math:`R_{\mathrm{in}}` to :math:`R_{\mathrm{out}}`, viewed from a given height :math:`\tilde{r}` above the disk, Eq. 72 and 73 in [Finke2016]_.""" mu_min = 1 / np.sqrt(1 + np.power((R_out_tilde / r_tilde), 2)) mu_max = 1 / np.sqrt(1 + np.power((R_in_tilde / r_tilde), 2)) return np.linspace(mu_min, mu_max, size)
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate_phi_disk_mu(mu, R_in_tilde, r_tilde): """dependency of the radiant surface-energy flux from the disk radius, here obtained from the cosine of the zenith `mu` and the height above the disk `r_tilde` (in graviational radius units), Eq. 63 [Dermer2009]_""" R_tilde = r_tilde * np.sqrt(np.power(mu, -2) - 1) return 1 - np.sqrt(R_in_tilde / R_tilde)
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate_epsilon(L_disk, M_BH, eta, R_tilde): """evaluate the dimensionless energy emitted at the radius `R_tilde` Eq. 65 [Dermer2009]_""" M_8 = (M_BH / (1e8 * M_sun)).to_value("") L_Edd = 1.26 * 1e46 * M_8 << u.Unit("erg s-1") l_Edd = (L_disk / L_Edd).to_value("") xi = np.power(l_Edd / (M_8 * eta), 1 / 4) return 2.7 * 1e-4 * xi * np.power(R_tilde, -3 / 4)
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate_epsilon_mu(L_disk, M_BH, eta, mu, r_tilde): """same as :func:`~agnpy.targets.SSDisk.evaluate_epsilon` but considering the cosine of the subtended zenith `mu` and the height above the disk `r` instead of the radius `R_tilde`""" R_tilde = r_tilde * np.sqrt(np.power(mu, -2) - 1) return SSDisk.evaluate_epsilon(L_disk, M_BH, eta, R_tilde)
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate_T(R, M_BH, m_dot, R_in): """black body temperature (K) at the radial coordinate R""" phi = 1 - np.sqrt((R_in / R).to_value("")) val = (3 * G * M_BH * m_dot * phi) / (8 * np.pi * np.power(R, 3) * sigma_sb) return np.power(val, 1 / 4).to("K")
[docs] def epsilon_mu(self, mu, r_tilde): return self.evaluate_epsilon_mu(self.L_disk, self.M_BH, self.eta, mu, r_tilde)
[docs] def epsilon(self, R_tilde): r"""dimensionless energy emitted at the disk radius :math:`\tilde{R}`""" return self.evaluate_epsilon(self.L_disk, self.M_BH, self.eta, R_tilde)
[docs] def phi_disk_mu(self, mu, r_tilde): return self.evaluate_phi_disk_mu(mu, self.R_in_tilde, r_tilde)
[docs] def phi_disk(self, R_tilde): return 1 - np.sqrt(self.R_in_tilde / R_tilde)
[docs] def T(self, R): r"""temperature of the disk at radius :math:`R`. Eq. 64 in [Dermer2009]_.""" return self.evaluate_T(R, self.M_BH, self.m_dot, self.R_in)
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate_multi_T_bb_sed(nu, z, M_BH, m_dot, R_in, R_out, d_L, mu_s=1): r"""Evaluate a multi-temperature black body SED in the case of the SS Disk. The SED is calculated for an observer far away from the disk (:math:`d_L \gg R`) with the following: .. math:: \nu F_{\nu} \approx \mu_s \, \nu \frac{2 \pi}{d_L^2} \int_{R_{\rm in}}^{R_{\rm out}}{\rm d}R \, R \, I_{\nu}(T(R)), where :math:`I_{\nu}` is Planck's law, :math:`R` the radial coordinate along the disk, and :math:`d_L` the luminosity distance. :math:`\mu_s` is the cosine of the angle between the disk axis and the observer's line of sight. Parameters ---------- nu : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` array of frequencies, in Hz, to compute the sed **note** these are observed frequencies (observer frame) z : float redshift of the source M_BH : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` Black Hole mass m_dot : float mass accretion rate R_in : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` inner disk radius R_out : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` outer disk radius d_L : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` luminosity of the source mu_s : float cosine of the angle between the observer line of sight and the disk axis """ # correct for redshift nu_prime = nu * (1 + z) # array to integrate R R = np.linspace(R_in, R_out, 100) _R, _nu = axes_reshaper(R, nu_prime) _T = SSDisk.evaluate_T(_R, M_BH, m_dot, R_in) _I_nu = BlackBody().evaluate(_nu, _T, scale=1) integrand = _R / np.power(d_L, 2) * _I_nu * F_nu = 2 * np.pi * np.trapz(integrand, R, axis=0) return mu_s * (nu * F_nu).to("erg cm-2 s-1")
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate_multi_T_bb_norm_sed( nu, z, L_disk, M_BH, m_dot, R_in, R_out, d_L, mu_s=1 ): """Evaluate a normalised, multi-temperature black body SED as in :func:`~targets.SSDisk.evaluate_multi_T_bb_sed`, but the integral luminosity is set to be equal to `L_disk`.""" # it is difficult to integrate numerically the multi-T BB of the disk # to get the total luminosity, let us integrate it numerically # over a large range of frequencies F_nu_norm = ( SSDisk.evaluate_multi_T_bb_sed( nu_to_integrate, z, M_BH, m_dot, R_in, R_out, d_L, mu_s ) / nu_to_integrate ) # renormalise, the factor 2 includes the two sides of the Disk A = 4 * np.pi * d_L ** 2 L = 2 * (np.trapz(F_nu_norm, nu_to_integrate) * A).to("erg s-1") norm = (L_disk / L).to_value("") return norm * SSDisk.evaluate_multi_T_bb_sed( nu, z, M_BH, m_dot, R_in, R_out, d_L, mu_s )
[docs] def sed_flux(self, nu, z, mu_s=1): r"""evaluate the multi-temperature black body SED for this SS Disk, refer to :func:`~targets.SSDisk.evaluate_multi_T_bb_sed` and to :func:`~targets.SSDisk.evaluate_multi_T_bb_norm_sed` """ d_L = Distance(z=z).to("cm") return SSDisk.evaluate_multi_T_bb_norm_sed( nu, z, self.L_disk, self.M_BH, self.m_dot, self.R_in, self.R_out, d_L, mu_s )
[docs] def u(self, r, blob=None): """integral energy density of radiation produced by the Disk at the distance r along the jet axis. Integral over the solid angle of Eq. 69 in [Dermer2009]_. Parameters ---------- r : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` array of distances along the jet axis blob : :class:`~agnpy.emission_regions.Blob` if provided, the energy density is computed in a reference frame comvoing with the blob """ r_tilde = (r / self.R_g).to_value("") mu = self.evaluate_mu_from_r_tilde(self.R_in_tilde, self.R_out_tilde, r_tilde) prefactor = ( 3 * self.l_Edd * self.L_Edd * self.R_g / (8 * np.pi * c * self.eta * np.power(r, 3)) ) integrand = ( 1 / mu * np.power(np.power(mu, -2) - 1, -3 / 2) * self.evaluate_phi_disk_mu(mu, self.R_in_tilde, r_tilde) ) if blob: mu_prime = (mu - blob.Beta) / (1 - blob.Beta * mu) integrand_prefactor = 1 / ( np.power(blob.Gamma, 6) * np.power(1 - blob.Beta * mu, 2) * np.power(1 + blob.Beta * mu_prime, 4) ) integrand *= integrand_prefactor integral = np.trapz(integrand, mu, axis=0) return (prefactor * integral).to("erg cm-3")
[docs]class SphericalShellBLR: """Spherical Shell Broad Line Region, from [Finke2016]_. Each line is emitted from an infinitesimally thin spherical shell. Parameters ---------- L_disk : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` Luminosity of the disk whose radiation is being reprocessed by the BLR xi_line : float fraction of the disk radiation reprocessed by the BLR line : string type of line emitted R_line : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` radius of the BLR spherical shell """ def __init__(self, L_disk, xi_line, line, R_line): = "SphericalShellBLR" self.L_disk = L_disk self.xi_line = xi_line if line not in lines_dictionary: raise NameError(f"{line} not available in the line dictionary") self.line = line self.lambda_line = lines_dictionary[line]["lambda"] self.epsilon_line = ("erg", equivalencies=u.spectral()) / mec2 ).to_value("") self.R_line = R_line def __str__(self): return ( f"* Spherical Shell Broad Line Region:\n" + f" - L_disk (accretion disk luminosity): {self.L_disk.cgs:.2e}\n" + f" - xi_line (fraction of the disk radiation reprocessed by the BLR): {self.xi_line:.2e}\n" + f" - line (type of emitted line): {self.line}, lambda = {self.lambda_line.cgs:.2e}\n" + f" - R_line (radius of the BLR shell): {self.R_line.cgs:.2e}\n" )
[docs] def print_lines_list(): r"""Print the list of the available spectral lines. The dictionary with the possible emission lines is taken from Table 5 in [Finke2016]_ and contains the value of the line wavelength and the ratio of its radius to the radius of the :math:`H_{\beta}` shell, not used at the moment. """ for line in lines_dictionary.keys(): print(f"{line}: {lines_dictionary[line]}")
[docs] def u(self, r, blob=None): """Density of radiation produced by the BLR at the distance r along the jet axis. Integral over the solid angle of Eq. 80 in [Finke2016]_. Parameters ---------- r : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` array of distances along the jet axis blob : :class:`~agnpy.emission_regions.Blob` if provided, the energy density is computed in a reference frame comvoing with the blob """ mu = np.linspace(-1, 1) _mu = mu.reshape(mu.size, 1) _r = r.reshape(1, r.size) _x2 = np.power(_r, 2) + np.power(self.R_line, 2) - 2 * _r * self.R_line * _mu prefactor = self.xi_line * self.L_disk / (8 * np.pi * c) integrand = 1 / _x2 if blob: _mu_star = np.sqrt( 1 - np.power(self.R_line, 2) / _x2 * (1 - np.power(_mu, 2)) ) integrand_prefactor = np.power(blob.Gamma, 2) * np.power( 1 - blob.Beta * _mu_star, 2 ) integrand *= integrand_prefactor integral = np.trapz(integrand, mu, axis=0) return (prefactor * integral).to("erg cm-3")
[docs]class RingDustTorus: """Dust Torus as infinitesimally thin annulus, from [Finke2016]_. For the Compton scattering monochromatic emission at the peak energy of the Black Body spectrum is considered. Parameters ---------- L_disk : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` Luminosity of the disk whose radiation is being reprocessed by the Torus xi_dt : float fraction of the disk radiation reprocessed T_dt : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` peak temperature of the black body emission of the Torus R_dt : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` radius of the Torus, if not specified the saturation radius of Eq. 96 in [Finke2016]_ will be used """ def __init__(self, L_disk, xi_dt, T_dt, R_dt=None): = "RingDustTorus" self.L_disk = L_disk self.xi_dt = xi_dt self.T_dt = T_dt # dimensionless temperature of the torus self.Theta = (k_B * self.T_dt / mec2).to_value("") self.epsilon_dt = 2.7 * self.Theta # if the radius is not specified use saturation radius Eq. 96 of [Finke2016]_ if R_dt is None: self.R_dt = ( 3.5 * 1e18 * np.sqrt((self.L_disk / (1e45 * u.Unit("erg s-1"))).to_value("")) * np.power((self.T_dt / (1e3 * u.K)).to_value(""), -2.6) ) * else: self.R_dt = R_dt def __str__(self): return ( f"* Ring Dust Torus:\n" + f" - L_disk (accretion disk luminosity): {self.L_disk.cgs:.2e}\n" + f" - xi_dt (fraction of the disk radiation reprocessed by the torus): {self.xi_dt:.2e}\n" + f" - T_dt (temperature of the dust torus): {self.T_dt:.2e}\n" + f" - R_dt (radius of the torus): {self.R_dt.cgs:.2e}\n" )
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate_bb_sed(nu, z, T_dt, R_dt, d_L): """evaluate the black body SED corresponding to the torus temperature""" nu_prime = nu * (1 + z) # geometrical factor for a source of size R_dt at distance d_L prefactor = np.pi * np.power((R_dt / d_L).to_value(""), 2) * I_nu = BlackBody().evaluate(nu_prime, T_dt, scale=1) return (prefactor * nu * I_nu).to("erg cm-2 s-1")
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate_bb_norm_sed(nu, z, L_dt, T_dt, R_dt, d_L): """evaluate the torus black-body SED such that its integral luminosity is equal to the torus luminosity (`xi_dt * L_disk`)""" sed_dt = RingDustTorus.evaluate_bb_sed(nu, z, T_dt, R_dt, d_L) # renormalise, total luminosity from theory (Stefan-Boltzmann Law) L_tot = 4 * np.pi * R_dt ** 2 * sigma_sb * T_dt ** 4 norm = (L_dt / L_tot).to_value("") return norm * sed_dt
[docs] def sed_flux(self, nu, z): """evaluate the black-body SED for the Dust Torus""" d_L = Distance(z=z).to("cm") L_dt = self.xi_dt * self.L_disk return RingDustTorus.evaluate_bb_norm_sed( nu, z, L_dt, self.T_dt, self.R_dt, d_L )
[docs] def u(self, r, blob=None): r"""Density of radiation produced by the Torus at the distance r along the jet axis. Integral over the solid angle of Eq. 85 in [Finke2016]_ Parameters ---------- r : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` array of distances along the jet axis blob : :class:`~agnpy.emission_regions.Blob` if provided, the energy density is computed in a reference frame comvoing with the blob """ x2 = np.power(self.R_dt, 2) + np.power(r, 2) x = np.sqrt(x2) integral = self.xi_dt * self.L_disk / (4 * np.pi * c * x2) if blob: mu = (r / x).to_value("") integral *= np.power(blob.Gamma * (1 - blob.Beta * mu), 2) return"erg cm-3")